Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's been a long time, I shouldn't've left you, without a dope beat to step to..

Wow DJ LouRawk has NOT been updating his life -__- apologies. Gimme a minute to mentally recap all the crazy stories I have before I commit to writing...BAM!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

<3 for those who need it

Naturally, we all have good days, bad days, everything in between, but it's extremely rare (for me anyway) to have a great WEEK. Last week was an amazing week from start to finish, which makes it kind of hard to accept the fact that this week has been almost the complete opposite. Homework for days, frustrating labs, and weather that's nice for an eskimo but bad for Filipinos (who LOVE heat) are all pushing the boundaries of my optimism. However my complaints aside, I've noticed the world is coming down on a lot of people I care about, and I just wanted to take the time to show them some love & take them under my umbrella to help them get through what's raining down on them...

Thank you to everyone who makes me smile, laugh, and genuinely feel good!
Despite what you may be feeling at this moment, you're all amazing people whom I'm very fortunate to know let alone be friends with. Although we're all experiencing different storms, thanks to weather 101 I know these harsh weather patterns in your life can't last forever! God wouldn't bring you to obstacles you couldn't overcome, and despite how harsh the lesson is, He only has the best of plans for you.

People always ponder the question of whether or not angels exist, and if they took the time to reflect upon the people in their life they'd learn what I've come to learn. Angels existed in my lola Floring, my uncle Paul, and they exist in the people who bring joy to my heart and a smile to my face.

So thank you for all the laughs, head rubs, hearts to hearts, handshakes, and hugs! I can only hope I can bless you guys like you've blessed me, and I hope this helped to lighten the load on your shoulders :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Let the Sunshine In!

So 2008-2009 had its fair share of CRAP weather!
From being trapped inside for the entire first half of winter break, to the mid-March snow (actually didn't it snow last week?) to the numerous mornings of walking to class soaking wet from downpour.

But lo and behold the Sun is making a comeback! Monday April 6 I have to say was an AMAZING day :) not only was everyone breaking out their brand spankin new clot'es (haha), but half of the campus was in the UW Quad lounging about under the B-E-A-utiful cherry blossom trees(and I HEAR that a gorilla chased a banana and prevailed in capturing that banana), and conditions couldnt have been better for workin on my underarm tan while racing for slips in canoes.

What a way to usher in the Spring time. :)
Mr. Sun you're welcome to stay forever! Thanks for always giving me two scoops of raisins!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


So back in the day (and sometimes to this day) whenever I buy a new game, one of the first things I do after testing it out, is look for cheat codes. Everywhere from cheatcodecentral to GameFaqs, it's all about those codes and walkthroughs!

But even after all the Halos, Call of Duties, and Rock Bands, its always been about this bad boy...

Which brings up another "open ended" idea that popped into my head, enjoy!

Early Bird

Seeing as how I like to see
You smile
I'll take every chance I get
To be the reason there's
A smile on Your face

And you know me, I'm a gamer
On my game
So I like to use cheat codes
And hit combos that tickle your buttons into
Infinite Laugh Mode

And you turn into a wiggly worm
,That's cute so don't worry,
And I'm your early bird

And like they say
I'll always catch you

So don't worry.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Matrix! 0_o

If you've hung around with me, it won't be long until you notice that I quote movies...alot 0_0. Haha not necessarily a bad thing, but have you ever tried to explain something to your friends so you try to put into a context they'd understand? Check it.

Matrix Feelings

You know those feelings you have to bury?
Those feelings you need to code into
Some confusing code where your words
Turn into some old Architect guy
Who is impossible
To understand
That kind of code
For those kind of feelings and memories

That you remember like movies.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Thats craazy

So I was checkin out some throwback YouTube videos in my favorites and watched that old Matrix Ping Pong video they made over in Japan. That was CRAZY son! lol but yeah I was checkin out some of their old stuff, pretty nuts check em out..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

<=D Thanks Hip Hop! haha

Sooo today was one of those genuinely good days.
BAM Pho. First thing in the morning. Thank you pho tai chin (no onions, no picky lol)
and then went to the Mash Hall Clothing Line Release shout out to those comfy sweaters "Quality First" - Bles...BAM

And then bam lots of appreciation to my boys Pryme (with a Y, get on that) and Perez for letting me loose in Fusion and extending the invite to come back out on Saturdays..BAM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Open ended poems 1

Sooo dont you hate it when you THINK you have an idea, but its not a fully developed idea? I mean I don't know about you, but I write in puzzle pieces. Instead of jotting them down on napkins though I just keep them in my fone, might as well put them out there though. Let the world see them so maybe more ideas can come from other places...

Number One

First things first
It's all about numero uno
Number First baby
It's me
and I
and WHAT?!

The number one has always felt like a million;

rocket scientists strove to be the first on the moon

you wanted to be first in line before all these people
because you want to have first dibs on the
number one seat
and want to have your ears be the first pair to hear


And you wait in a line for 4 hours on a monday night in,
a mall that got boring ages ago, because
wanted to be the first one at the midnight release of Halo 3
just because it feels that much
than the regular release the following Tuesday

But its funny how when I remember
Numero Uno
Number First
When I remember ME
I feel like my ears get bigger
and people can call me Horton

Because an elephant never forgets and
an elephant 100 percent because
I never forget anything

Because what you think you know
you have no idea
I'm actually a very sentimental guy

I remember my first day of school
I remember the first day I said "What's up" to my best friends
I remember being 5 years old and not knowing what you were
I remember not knowing what beautiful was
I remember feeling my heart dance on the inside of my 12 year old chest
when I remember the first time I brought someone flowers

All sentimentalities aside
right now I just wanna be your one and only....(to be continued)

Yeahh soo I started rambling, and now I don't know where to go -__- I'm probably just going to end up taking pieces that I like from this poem and using them for a....grander purpose hah.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I did not mean to party that hard last nite -__-

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Here's my latest poem, one of those ideas that comes outta nowhere at 2am..that turns out great, enjoy =)

Forreal, that's amazing in itself
but what's amazing is how important your eyes have become
everythings better in high definition
everyone knows that
lines more defined
the environment regains its majesty and beauty
and speaking of beauty...
Megan Fox looks even better on BluRay then she does on "regular definition" DVD

but beauty's the thing you see,
you see?

but what's beauty to me may not be beauty to you
what's ugly and flawed in your eyes may be different in my retinas
those flaws could be the scars and scratches that show that my baby has character
shes been places..learned things

once again, visions become so important today
don't believe it unless you see it
don't trust the mirror
ask you FRIENDS opinion if that dress hugs your curves like specialized traction tires on a Lambourghini GaLLardo
if it holds your rolls like the plastic bag at Safeway thats 2 for $2 with a Safeway card
you got $20 got hella rolls

what do you see?
you see i see that people's self images are more than just images
smell what they look like; you look musty
people hear what they look like; you sound ugly
you let OTHER people's words travel thru your ears to form images that only the brain cells (which dont have eyes) in your brain can see

but what do you see, when you see me?
you see..i want you to see ME when you see me because
I wanna see...

the eyes that i wanna be the focus of all the time,
you know, the kinda eyes that make me walk by you as many times as possible,
just in case you didnt quite see me the last time,
or maybe we can lock eyes this time..or THAT time and

I wanna see the eyes that not only look into mine,
but THRU my eyes into my ARMS into the distant future
hopefully she sees me in hers and

I wanna see the eyes of the person that I see, even when all i see is the back of my eye lids and

I wanna see the eyes of the person that remind me
that your eyes see things upside down, but
your brain rotates things right-side up so
I wanna see the eyes of the person I know is beautiful in all 3 hundred and 60 degrees and

I wanna see the eyes of the person that remind me
that life takes fractions of a second to reflect back into your eye so
in actuality youre seeing things a fraction of a second late so
I wanna see the eyes of the person I know was beautiful half a second ago,
whos beautiful at THIS second, and who'll be beautiful every second after that and

I wanna see the eyes that LOOK like they can reach across the room
to grab my face to turn it towards her cuz
for some reason
I can always FEEL it when you look at me and

I wanna see the eyes of the person I wanna kiss in the rain and

I wanna see the eyes of the person whos beautiful to me from all angles,
especially from the one looking DOWN to me cuz
I wanna see the eyes of the person I wanna put on TOP of my world

cuz you see shes a QUEEN and
I wanna see the eyes of the person that wants me on TOP of her world
Naturally, we should see things eye to eye and

I wanna see the eyes of the person I'll love until I die;
praying that I get reincarnated as a damn fruit cuz
I'm trying to be the apple in YOUR eye

and I wanna see the eyes of the person that
sees the mess that is me

right-side up
which is upside down so
I'm head over heels for you already and

I wanna see the love that You'll see in me,
when i FINALLY see,
YOUR eyes.

Still can't sleep

*doo doo dooo* captains log, star-date 3.14.09 rounded off to the nearest...decimal point lol
obviously we're acquainted if you're reading this, but whats the extent of your knowledge of who i am o_0?? i could just be the nice guy who held the door for you OR an axe murderer WHO KNOWS?!

but check it..

Name: Jacob Lou Eiselstein (thats where LouRawk comes from. ive intro'ed myself as jacob lourawk and some people dont get it lol)

I'm a DJ/Turntablist/Dancer/Poet/...actually im still defining myself as much as i can
and thats the one of the beauties of life, when do you "stop" defining yourself?
do you think you'll stop growing? or are you one of those life-long learners?



Soooo I made this bad boy...let's get some barbecue
and get busy -_-