Wednesday, April 15, 2009

<3 for those who need it

Naturally, we all have good days, bad days, everything in between, but it's extremely rare (for me anyway) to have a great WEEK. Last week was an amazing week from start to finish, which makes it kind of hard to accept the fact that this week has been almost the complete opposite. Homework for days, frustrating labs, and weather that's nice for an eskimo but bad for Filipinos (who LOVE heat) are all pushing the boundaries of my optimism. However my complaints aside, I've noticed the world is coming down on a lot of people I care about, and I just wanted to take the time to show them some love & take them under my umbrella to help them get through what's raining down on them...

Thank you to everyone who makes me smile, laugh, and genuinely feel good!
Despite what you may be feeling at this moment, you're all amazing people whom I'm very fortunate to know let alone be friends with. Although we're all experiencing different storms, thanks to weather 101 I know these harsh weather patterns in your life can't last forever! God wouldn't bring you to obstacles you couldn't overcome, and despite how harsh the lesson is, He only has the best of plans for you.

People always ponder the question of whether or not angels exist, and if they took the time to reflect upon the people in their life they'd learn what I've come to learn. Angels existed in my lola Floring, my uncle Paul, and they exist in the people who bring joy to my heart and a smile to my face.

So thank you for all the laughs, head rubs, hearts to hearts, handshakes, and hugs! I can only hope I can bless you guys like you've blessed me, and I hope this helped to lighten the load on your shoulders :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Let the Sunshine In!

So 2008-2009 had its fair share of CRAP weather!
From being trapped inside for the entire first half of winter break, to the mid-March snow (actually didn't it snow last week?) to the numerous mornings of walking to class soaking wet from downpour.

But lo and behold the Sun is making a comeback! Monday April 6 I have to say was an AMAZING day :) not only was everyone breaking out their brand spankin new clot'es (haha), but half of the campus was in the UW Quad lounging about under the B-E-A-utiful cherry blossom trees(and I HEAR that a gorilla chased a banana and prevailed in capturing that banana), and conditions couldnt have been better for workin on my underarm tan while racing for slips in canoes.

What a way to usher in the Spring time. :)
Mr. Sun you're welcome to stay forever! Thanks for always giving me two scoops of raisins!